Sanket Power Systems feature serial and/or parallel resonance induction power sources for a wide range of output powers and frequencies. Sanket Power Systems's resonance technology is built around robust, highuptime IGBT transistors. Each Sanket Power Systems converter offers automatic load matching, a single microprocessor-based control board and integrated capacitors.
All sanket power systems forging systems come with inductors, converters, capacitors and closed-loop water cooling circuits. Billet & Bar throughput speed is adjustable, and coil changes are quick and easy.
Materials can process with forging induction are ferrous metals like steel & stainless steel and non-ferros metals like brass, copper, aluminumetc.
With induction you get perfect heating control—time after time. All components are subject to the same temperature, so there's no risk of the wrong temperature producing the wrong shape or damaging the tools in the next production step.
Induction also produces less oxidation—important for the metallurgical composition of the metals and protection of tools.
Sanket Power Systems consistently leads the way in developing new induction heating technology providing new ideas to the forging industry's drive to support existing customers plus capture new markets. In this age of international competition, the key to survival, in a constantly changing environment, is efficient and flexible use of plant space, energy, and manpower.